Senin, 29 April 2013

What is a perfect Valentine's Day present?

Q. I am a 15 year old girl. My boyfriend is 16. By the time it is Valentine's Day we will have been dating for 5 months. Any suggestions for a great Valentine's Day present? I'm horrible at thinking up gift ideas.

A. Its really hard gift ideas for me in general too,
Nevermind what to get a guy on Valentines Day
Uhm since hes oledr he miht find the cute little teddy bear reallllly stupid.
Maby nicee cologne , i got that for a boyfriend one year
Or if ur sexually active with him , get hi a cute pair of guy underwear as a joke, he will think its cute

What is a great but inexpensive gift for a wonderful man on Valentine's Day?
Q. I am blessed to be loved by a wonderful man who means the world to me, however I am completely poor. He likes the finer things and gadgets I cannot even come close to affording. I am looking for ideas for Valentine's Day. What would you truly appreciate for Valentine's Day?

A. You say you are completely poor then i would write him a long letter about how you feel about him and talk about the times you had, what you like about him and how he makes you feel. If you can afford it, make him a nice dinner and have some candles going if you have them. Dress up if you can. Dance to some slow music. If you are intimate give him a massage, take a hot bath together or shower and do whatever you choose in the shower and after the shower.

What are good Valentines ideas for a teenage boy?
Q. I'm trying to think of what to do for my boyfriend for Valentine's day. We're close friends as well as a couple. He's a really loving, thoughtful and respectful person. I want to do something special for him, not really expensive but something that will make him feel loved. It can be a gesture, a present, or anything really. As many ideas as possible would be great. Also, please don't say anything sexual. Thanks in advance for the ideas. :)

A. Valentine gift ideas for family and friends:

Valentine cards.
Box of chocolates.
Theatre tickets.
Gift card.

1. Visit this website for gift ideas for everyone:

2. Go to this website and click onto the categories at the top bar or scroll down the screen and click onto the pictures for gift ideas.

3. More gift ideas:

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