Q. Its going to be our 6 month anniversary soon and i don't know what to get him. He means so much to me and is a huge part in my life. Ive known him for several years because he is my brothers best friend, so we are close. Hes 16 by the way. I want to get him something meaningful, but not too much for just a 6 month anniversary. Any help would be great. thanks
A. I'd suggest getting a neat little box or basket (baskets may be a little too girly, but if not, opt for a basket) and fill it with some good, but quick and easy snacks. You may think about a bag of chips, a box of granola bars, a bag/can of hot chocolate or coffee mix, some homemade cookies, maybe garlic bread, or some pepperoni sticks. This will depend entirely on his taste. You could think about leaving him a gift certificate for a nice restaurant as well; you two could go on a nice dinner together, and hopefully have a good evening together.
Another good idea is to go to a craft store and buy a plain box. Decorate this box with any decorations you see fit, and title it "Coupons" - Use construction paper and cut even coupon cards; you can write cute little I.O.U's on each coupon, and let him use them when he's having a rough day. Some coupon ideas: "Three kisses." or "One back rub" or even "Will help you tidy your house!" You can stipulate rules if you'd like, "You may only use three coupons per day." or you can have a free for all, but don't be surprised if he uses them all right away. ;) If you have extra construction paper, you could also include an envelope titled "more coupons" - This is a thoughtful idea, plus he'll appreciate all the hard work & free kisses. ;)
If you talk to your boyfriend online or through text message a lot, print off your favorite exchanges of words and throw these all into a "book" - When you two are fighting, missing each other, or simply want to go over some memories, he can go back through this book & read those encouraging words.
If you're thinking about going the "cute" route - you can find a bottle from any craft store, or even at the grocery store (Find a sauce bottle you like, pour out the sauce, wash the bottle, and you're good to go.) You can choose to fill your bottle halfway with sand (colored or not) if you'd like, it's not a requirement. Take a piece of paper and write a note on the paper, or in your case, maybe you should use your love letter. Roll up the letter & stick it inside the bottle. There you have it, a message in a bottle.
Put together a little movie night package so that you and your man can have a wicked night in the near future. Go into a local video store and find out if they have gift certificates available, if they do, purchase one, but just enough to get a couple of movies! If you'd rather go the other way, you could purchase two DVD's, preferably ones that /he/ wants to see. Add a bag of microwavable popcorn, a couple of cans of pop, and a few other munchies. Your boyfriend will love it.
He's bound to love anything that you're going to do for him. Good luck!
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