Senin, 31 Desember 2012

Gift suggestions for folks in India from US?

Q. I will be visiting India in two weeks. I would like to get gifts for friends and family that are not too expensive. I have thought of chocolates, christmas ornaments, magnets and other mementos. Any suggestions? Gift ideas for kids and youngsters would be appreciated too.

A. Dear ANN

You get every branded product cheaper in INDIA.
So get them gifts when you are here.

You can buy some clothes as gifts or gift vouchers
Youngsters are mobile phone crazy
kids love chocolates n good book to keep them engaged.
CD'S, DVD would be appreciated.

What is a good gift idea to send my deployed husband for our 2 year Anniversary?
Q. What is a unique or thoughfull gift idea to send my husband for our 2 year wedding anniversary? It is on July 1st. I want it to be special. He is in IRAQ.

A. I think the ladies have said it best; send him a pillowcase from home with you perfme in it, a sexy something that you wear often, also with your favorite perfume, add to that a long letter describing how much you love him and how you yearn for his warm embrace (okay, I'm getting tacky now) :D.

Then send him pictures of you, the kids (if you have kids), family, home and things you all like to do together. That would bring him closer to home.

And please ignore the political comments; posting stupid stuff is not a crime yet. GOd bless your husband and you for being such a noble military wife.

What are some gag gift ideas for a Sheriff Sergeant?
Q. We have a Sergeant here at work that is getting transferred to patrol. I need some gag gift ideas to get her.

A. One of those cheap role-playing police sets for kids with whistle, badge, cuffs and maybe even a handgun all made of plastic.

Inexpensive birthday party gift ideas for 7 year old boy?
Q. Although we (I have twin boys) appreciate being invited to a classmate's birthday party, seems we get invited to many. It gets expensive and hard to even come up with an affordable gift idea. Not to be ungrateful to be included, but it also seems the kids who have the large, elaborate, invite everyone, parties are also kids who already have anything and everything they want, so any gift they might want or would be impressed by would be more than we could spend (bakugan, redakai, etc.) Ideas?

A. The past few birthday parties we have gone to I have gotten the presents from the dollar store. The kids don't know the difference and alot of times they like the cheaper gifts. Crayons, coloring books, bouncy balls, the things you put in water and they get bigger.

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Need Birthday gift ideas for an elderly lady who is paralyzed on one side due to a stroke.?

Q. She resides in an Assisted Living Facility and doesn't have much interest in anything other than TV, reading, and bingo. She must be transported via a van with a lift and doesn't like to go out of the facility very much. Thanks for any ideas the community can provide.

A. the present of visitors or start a card club of people that can send her cards.. on her special day. that is the best. people love getting cards

Any Gift idea for Guests for a party?
Q. I am planning for my baby's first birthday... I am throwing a party for all my friends. I want to give them a present for coming like saying Thank you or this will be the first big party I will be throwing. I am excepting elderly ppl too. Can you give me gift ideas for the guests? I am looking for something in $25 range per piece.

A. I recently saw these online and thought how great an idea it was for a favour... they are sachets of coffee that have been personalised for a baby shower. They may be able to create custom made birthday ones for you to give as gifts to your older guests.

For your younger guests perhaps you could decorate noodle boxes and fill them with little treats. There are some stunning scrapbooking papers and embellishments that are available and they are lots of fun to make too!

Good luck!

What are some nursing home gift ideas to give to the elderly?
Q. I love to help out at the nursing homes and I was wondering if anyone knew some ideal gifts or entertainment to give to the elderly?

A. That is great that you help those in nursing homes! I'm sure they appreciate you!

Here are a few gift ideas:

Stationery, note cards, note books, assorted greeting cards, writing supplies, postage stamps, address book, magnifying glass..
Magazines, books or puzzle/word search books in large print size..
Grooming aids such as brushes or combs, nice smelling shampoos and hair conditioners, lip balms, moisturizers, hand lotions, powder, etc.
Fleece blanket throws for the colder months.
Paint-by-number art sets.
Large size/small count jigsaw puzzles.
Blank page drawing books and markers or color pens/pencils.

what can you give to and older person who is bored because of injury and having to stay home all day?
Q. what would be some good gift ideas? i mean something that relieves boredom? she`s in her 70s.

A. All elderly gals love movies right!? Ask her what her favorite actor/actress is and what her favorite movie and/or series is. Than you can go buy the DVD (Im sure its on DVD/Blueray by now) and a big box of popcorn. Usually the big boxes have about 6 to 12 bags in them. Than cook it up and watch the movie with her. This is just a suggestion. Im 23 and I know that this is something I would love someone to do for me, especially if I were an older women with nothing to do. Thats the only decent idea I can come up with. Another idea is you can buy her some magazines and/or books. Make sure if you buy her a magazine and/or book that you buy one for yourself to so you can do it with her. To spend some time with her.

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Christmas gift ideas for a 9 yr old girl?

Q. My ex husband asked me today for gift ideas for our 9 yr old daughter. This should be easy but I am out of ideas. I have bought her things already. I have given other ideas to my grandma, mom, and ex mother in law. What are some ideas for 9 yr old girls. Maybe i can get some new ideas for him to get her. Thanks!

A. webkinz , littlest pet shop , dolls ? clothes , stuff from claires , like nailpolish , maybe an mp3 player ?
don't get her any pets , cause i heard that they are not good to get at christmas because the kid will be too occupied playing with other things , and may not even want one.
anything hannah montana , or the jonas brothers ,
you could maybe get her a surscription to like popstarr or tigerbeat ,
get her hannah montana tickets ? for a concert ?
hope this helped =)

What toys does your 9 yr old daughter enjoy?
Q. I need daughter's birthday is coming up and she really isn't interested in most toys now like dolls, kitchen stuff, things like that. The only thing I know of is video games and Webkins....but she has enough of those..she wants toys, but what can I get here that she will get alot of enjoyment from? If you have a 9 yr old girl....what does she like?

A. My 9 year old niece loves all of those plus baby dolls and all that Hannah Montana, High School Musical, Camp Rock stuff.

In terms of buying her toys it's getting to the point where it's getting hard to find stuff for her because she has reached that "tweenager" age so we rely heavily on what she tells us but we encourage her to think of stuff other than the usual Webkinz, DS/Wii game answers - we'll leave those gifts for friends and the rest of the family.

Her answers usually include stuffed animals, posters, CD/DVDs and new clothes. She also has no qualms with receiving Gift cards for her favourite stores since she loves to shop.

It's really a tough age to shop for because you are usually stuck grappling between "I don't know what to buy" vs. "Do I really want to buy her that toy she asked for thats for ages 5+" type deliema.

Ask her opinion, give her store flyers to look at or have her visit some of her favourite stores websites to see what she might be interested in.

What is a good gift to bring to a 9 year old girl who is in the hospital?
Q. A 9 year old girl I know is having heart surgery the day before Halloween. I am going to go up and visit her, but I need gift ideas. Any suggestions?
I would kind of like it to be a unique gift (not teddy bears and balloons) and would like to keep the cost under $20 if possible.
Thanks for all the help! :)

A. my 9 yr old is obsessed with fur real friends, you can get them at target or walmart for 10-15 bucks and they make every animal you can think of. she is building a small army in her room. ask her mom what her favorite animal is or just go and see what they have at your location. kids jewlery is also a favorite, you can find little bracelets and necklaces everywhere and since it is halloween i would get her some spooky orange and black things.

What are some Christmas gift ideas for a 9 yr old girl?
Q. She wants an electric scooter ( the kind you stand up on). What are some other gift ideas to go along with the big gift?

A. Here are some great gift ideas that you can most likely find for under $10 each!!!

- A scarf/hat/gloves set
- A cute mug paired with hot chocolate packets and candys
- Old Navy sells cute warm and fuzzy socks you could pair with some lipgloss
- A journal from a bookstore with a really cute cover and a bookmark or pen
- Stationary from a bookstore
- A Craft book that comes with some crafting materials
- Picture frames with a picture of all you
-Slippers from Old Navy/Aeropostale

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Please help: What are some good gift ideas for a soccer player?

Q. The soccer player is a 17 year old girl that absolutely loves soccer to the core. I owe her a gift but not sure what she would like. I would prefer not spending more than $25 but am willing to if it's worth it. What are some good gift ideas? Please & thank you.

A. get her a t shirt or jersey of her favorite team!

What is a good gift for a soccer player?
Q. Hey my parents are asking me for gift ideas for myself and my biggest hobby is soccer. I already have several nice , and I am super picky when it comes to boots so I buy them myself. I was thinking maybe a futsal ball or some 3/4 shorts. Do you have any other ideas?

A. pink color shorts...really funny man.

What do teenage girl soccer players want for their birthday?
Q. so, my best friend is a soccer player and she's REALLY good at it. Soccer is everything to her so I want to make her a gift basket full of soccer stuff + other things. She's going to turn 15. What do you think she will want that's soccer and that a 15 year old girl would want for her birthday? She's not big into make-up magazines but she's really athletic and funny and weird and nice. What do you think? just give me any of your ideas. THANKS! :D

A. I think a cute idea would be a little charm bracelet. Then you can get her a bunch of soccer related charms like soccer balls, cleats, goals, etc. It would be really sweet and since she loves soccer, it would be perfect. The personilazation would be the icing on the cake. <3

Any gift ideas for a male soccer player and personal trainer?
Q. For our bar's secret santa I pulled the name of someone who just started working for us. I only know a few things about him. He plays soccer and he's a personal trainer. That's it. Our SS $ limit is $40. Any ideas?

Please help. I don't want to get him a sucky gift.

A. a nice soccer ball. nike total 90 cost 20 bucks or so and is awesome. my brother has one

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what is the history of the old woman's island ?

Q. old woman's island is one of the seven islands that make up bombay .it is a very insignificant island between bombay and colaba .it is known as little colaba and since it is small the net does't have much info about it .if u guys have any idea about what it is please forward it guys .this is for my project to be given within 4 days .

A. The present area of Colaba was originally two islands, Colaba and Little Colaba or Old Woman's Island. The island of Colaba itself was part of the group of islands, along with the largest, Bombay Island, that was gifted by Portugal to Charles II of England as dowry when he married Catherine of Braganza.

The Portuguese had acquired these lands from the Sultanate of Cambay by the Treaty of Bassein, 1542. The cession of Bombay and dependencies was strongly resented by Portuguese officials in Goa and Bombay, who resisted transfer of possession for several years, while the English representatives were confined to the island of Anjediva while negotiations continued. Angered by the backtracking, Charles II leased these lands to the British East India Company for a nominal annual rent. Gerald Aungier, factor of the English settlement of Surat, took possession of Colaba and Old Woman's Island on behalf of the Company in 1675.

Portugal continued to hold Little Colaba island for several decades more before ceding it to the English in about 1762, subject to the retention of Portuguese ownership of a house on the island, that is now the Blessed Sacrament Chapel in Middle Colaba. This was leased by the Portuguese Government of Goa to the Bishop of Damaõ, the head of the Padroado party in Bombay, as his residence. After an attempt by the Propaganda Fide party to seize the chapel, a court ruled that the house remained the property of the Government of Portugal and evicted the Propaganda Fide party.

In 1743, British Colaba was leased to a Richard Broughton at Rs. 200 per annum, a lease that was renewed in 1764. By 1796, Colaba became a cantonment for troops. Colaba was well-known for the variety of fishes in the nearby waters. The bombil, called Bombay duck after being dried, rawas, halwa, turtles, crabs, prawns and lobsters, could all be found here.

At the southern end of the island, on the eastern side of the island, a meteorological observatory was established in 1826. This part was called Upper Colaba. With the completion of the Colaba Causeway in 1838, these remaining two islands were joined to the others. The price of land shot up. Colaba became a centre of commerce with the opening of the Cotton Exchange at Cotton Green in 1844. The Causeway was widened and strengthened in 1861 and again in 1863. It became a separate ward of the Municipality in 1872.

Civil constructions in Colaba did not push out the troops. During this period the Sick Bungalows, now known as INHS Ashwini, were built. Work on the Anglican church of St. John the Evangelist was begun in 1847. The church, now known as the Afghan Church (after the First Afghan War of 1838) was consecrated in 1858 and work on the steeple was concluded in 1865.

Transport to this end of the new town was revolutionised by the introduction of horse-drawn tram-cars in 1873 by Stearns and Kitteredge, who had their offices on the west side of the Causeway, where the Electric House now stands.

The Prong's lighthouse, at the southern tip of the island, was constructed in 1875. Also in the same year, the eponymous Sassoon Docks were built by David Sassoon on reclaimed land. The BB&CI Railways established their terminus, the former Colaba railway station or terminus, the site of which is presently occupied by the Badhwar Park layout. These developments pushed the indigenous kolis to the edges of the island, near the Sassoon Docks and to the west.

90,000 square yards (75,000 m²) of land were reclaimed on the western shore of Colaba by the Bombay City Improvement Trust. The work was opposed by eminent citizens like Sir Pherozeshah Mehta, on the grounds that such a large area of land coming on the market would depress prices. The work was nevertheless carried out, and completed in 1905. Land prices did not fall. A seafront road along with a raised sea-side promenade (the Parade, named after T. W. Cuffe of the Trust) were completed the next year.
The Gateway of India, the art deco style Regal theatre, the cafes (Mondegar, Royal and Leopold) all add to the atmosphere. The southern tip is occupied by a military cantonment, including the large Navy Nagar layout built on reclaimed land. The older parts of the cantonment retains its large, wooded spaces and is the only bit of green in this otherwise congested area. In the midst of Navy Nagar lies the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research(TIFR), one of India's leading scientific institutions. Colaba is renowned for high-end boutiques, imitation consumer goods and is popular with tourists. This is a place where rich Indian industrialists and business people prominently reside, for example the Ambanis and Ratan Tata. Colaba is the hippiest neighbourhood in Mumbai serving as the major shopping district for tourists and the locals. It has the old english charm and a very modern "feel" as well. It is also the Art capital of the city with all the major "art-centers" located in and around this place.


What do you want to do before you die?
Q. I was inspired by the movie "The Bucket List" and the show on MTV "The Buried Life" and I am in the middle of creating myself my own "bucket list". (A list of things I want to do before I die.)
And it just got me to wondering from all of you: What do you want to do before you die?

A. Earn my doctorate in Anthropology
Return to Kathmandu, hopefully with a trip to Varanasi, India
~Do an Everest Base Camp Trek
Become a certified skydiver
Hike the Appalachian Trail
Have a reunion with my Navy buddies
Visit Singapore again
Hike to Macchu Picchu

Teach my child (children?)
~To respect others, even those he/she may disagree with
~To respect his/her self
~To treat his/her elders with respect and as the treasure-troves of knowledge that they can be
~To know that love is something you *do, not something you get
~To love without shame
~To understand that different people may view the same "truth" differently
~To understand that his/her way of thinking will not suit everyone
~To understand that though others may hold different values, he/she should never compromise his/her own values
~To live with integrity
~To admit to and learn from mistakes

I've always loved the idea of this kind of list, and have been doing it since I was a teenager. For me though, I always asked myself, when I'm 90 and gray, what kind of stories do I want to tell my grandchildren? What memories will I want to remember and relish?

Always, the things I tried to accomplish on my lists led to some pretty amazing experiences and I met some very interesting people because of it. I've traveled the world, hiked to a monastery outside Kathmandu to speak with a Tibetan lama, witnessed a water buffalo and goat being whispered sweet nothings to and treated lovingly before being sacrificed (and later eaten), served my country with honor, jumped out of a plane (though only ever strapped to a certified skydiver), watched Iranian Revolutionary Guard speed boats and P-3's, seen the way the calm Arabian Gulf waters can look like they're boiling from the schools of fish, sailed through a typhoon / a dust storm / the Suez Canal / the Strait of Malacca / past the rock of Gibraltar, helped hunt pirates, walked the insanely crowded streets of Hong Kong on a friday night, sat by the river at dusk in Dubai during Ramadan and listened to the beautiful call to prayer as the dhow's floated by, walked through ancient Roman ruins in Croatia and by walls pockmarked by decade old gunshots, seen a sex slave try to keep from crying as she danced in a Thai "strip club," spoke with a govt chairperson to create mandatory training for deploying servicemembers on sex slaves and women forced into prostitution, sat down for breakfast with my congressman to talk about the US war in Iraq and lack of assistance in Darfur, bartended in a ghetto (becoming a part of a real community for the first time in my life), celebrated new years at a private party with transsexuals, members of a biker gang and a professional dominatrix, attended rallies and protests, developed better relationships with my family and friends who are also now my family, and gotten to more fully know and love myself.

If you actually managed to read through that, you probably don't believe even 10% of what I've said, and that's fine (I'm used to it by now). Just know that a "bucket list" is the GREATEST gift you can ever give yourself. Start now, and never stop!

Best wishes, happy travels and never stop dreaming!

Depressed that I'll never be a tennis player?
Q. I am 15 & I have been playing tennis competitively my entire life. As I have always loved tennis and it's always been my top priority, the professional playing tennis career ship has sailed. Let's face it, the women on tour were already pro by my age. I do play tournaments, and I will soon reach my national ranking, but it's like, I'll never be a pro tennis player- it's not a realistic goal anymore. That bothers me more than anything. :( I just feel like no matter what I will pursue in my life, it's nothing compared to my dream of being a tennis player. I have mental breakdowns every week. I try talking to God about it as much as I can. It sucksso bad living with this weight on my shoulders. My GPAin school is declining and I'm losing interest in the things I used to enjoy as well. I don't talk to people anymore and my relationship with my family is terrible. I've just been so depressed these past few months - my dreams are gone and its so hard to feel that pain :( I love tennis so much. i have been thinking about being homeschool and playing w/ an academy but that ship has sailed
somebody please talk to me
this is a freaking problem
teaching tennis just seems too depressing for me - if u think abt it :(

A. I hope what you've written here is true, since I spent some time replying to this question!!!

You ARE a tennis player!!! A dang nationally ranked player!! Holy $%^&. I was never nationally ranked. A lot of players never get to be; think of *them.*

I suggest you go to a sport psychologist. A very, very famous world #1 player went to one, so you could, too.

***Let's face it, the women on tour were already pro by my age.***

How are you defining the word "pro?" The WTA singles list has about 1000 players on it. Are they all pro's? I ask you that because 80-90% of them are losing money if they're traveling all over the world. Only the top 200 or so are earning more than their expenses.

The absolute minimum age for playing a tour-level event is 14, and they have very strict requirements about how many events a player this young can participate in. 15-year-olds can play more events than 14-year-olds, but again, there are limitations. Chris Evert "arrived" when she was 15, defeating World #1 Margaret Court, but that was *very* unusual, and it still is.

At the other end of the age spectrum, we have Kamiko Date-Krumm, definitely NOT a 15-year old!
2012 - 1970 = ?

***I will soon reach my national ranking, but it's like, I'll never be a pro tennis player- it's not a realistic goal anymore.***

College tennis isn't good enough for you? Geez. I thought college tennis was pretty cool.

Actually, if you're good enough to be nationally ranked in the 16's in the USA, then you are already *approaching* [on your way to] a skill level that's commensurate for the pro's. Whether that skill level is [NTRP] 5.0, or 5.5, or 6.0, I have no idea. The *bottom* 400 or 500 players on the WTA tour are roughly 6.0 to 6.5. The only ones who are 7.0 would be top 150 or so.

***teaching tennis just seems too depressing for me - if u think abt it***
So, helping other people depresses you? Hmph.

***I try talking to God about it as much as I can.***
I would talk to a priest, rabbi, cleric, etc about it, and start attending a religious service somewhere once a week. Players on the tour have problems in this area too, and often seek help in spiritual activity. You are not alone in this predicament.

***somebody please talk to me this is a freaking problem***

The odds of ANYONE reaching the top 100 in the WTA or the ATP are small, sort of like winning the lottery. Even if both Mom & Dad are tennis pro's, the family has bucks out the wazoo, the odds are still small of being able to participate in a Grand Slam event. It is largely a gift from God, and many of those who've made it know they are very lucky to be there. Conclusion: If you never play in the first round of a major, that means you're *normal.*

***It sucksso bad living with this weight on my shoulders.***
Did someone close to you say that if you don't reach the top 50 in the world, that you stink? That is TOTAL nonsense. Absolute, complete nonsense! Real tennis people would never say something like that.

There isn't a tennis player in the world who's never lost, and there aren't any who've never been bummed out for a while, just like you describe here. Roger Federer has LOST 198 matches as a professional:

*** I don't talk to people anymore and my relationship with my family is terrible.***

Hmm, could you meet some new people at a church, synagogue, mosque, etc. Get out of the house/apartment and force yourself to socialize a little bit - somewhere. Not easy, but worth it, IMHO.

Little by little, maybe you could patch things up one or more of your family members? Hope they aren't mean to you.

Hang in there, things will eventually get better.

If you're totally burned out with tennis, you can take a few months off, as the pro's *have to* once in a while. If you haven't been taking time off, that may be a part of your problem. After some time away from it, you can either return to practice, or say goodbye to all the sporting nonsense, become an adult, and think about a real career in something serious. Serious careers are where the money is, doing something you like, that you're good at, that requires a few years of study or apprenticeship to become a "pro" at.

Or, just get involved in something that is actually *fun* for you. I have no idea what that might be [photography, pets, student government, charity work, music, art, science, etc etc etc]

All the best :-)

can anyone help with a cruise checklist?
Q. I am going on a cruise to the bahamas and i'm pretty sure i would run out of ideas before it docks back home. so i am asking anyone to come up with a checklist of 101 things to do on a cruise!!! Craziness is ultimately accepted!!! and for anyone who knows. it is the Carnival Sensation.

A. 1. Swimming pool, and hot tubs
2. jump on the beds
3. be really awkward in the elevator
4. eat pizza at midnight
5. run through the halls wildly
6. go to the teen clubs
7. make 20 new friends
8. creep out one small child, a 12 year old girl, and a old man
9. pretend to be a statue
10. Browse the gift shops
11. go to the ports
12. make sandcastles at the beach
13. skinny dip
14. climb a tree
15. pretend it's your birthday and make the staff sing to you, then after say it was last week
16. make your own towel animals ;)
17. eat a really awkward food dish at dinner
18. try catching fish
19. draw a pretty picture
20. play pin the tail on the donkey
21. eat lots of ice-cream till you throw up
22. don't kill yourself xD
23.get 7 peoples numbers
24. find a person from mexico
25. sun tan
26. enter a contest
27. take lots of pictures
28. listen to music
29. memorize what on each deck
30. find cabins 320, 412, and 113 and knock on their door
31. go to the spa
32. go on a tour
33. read a book
34. sleep in
35. have a shower
36. style your hair in an awesome way
37. try to find a whale
38. Find a bald man (or woman) and ask to rub his (or her) head
39. do back flips in the lobby
40. balance a cup on your head for more then thirty seconds while walking around
41. randomly dance in the hallway
42. drink tons of soda
43. brush your teeth
44. make a song and sing it by the pool
45. tell a girl she is beautiful
46. tell a guy he is handsome
47. slide down a railing
48. find a penny
49. get 35 hugs from 35 diffrent people
50. use the bathroom
51. do the thriller dance
52. laugh hysterically over nothing
53. Find a banana and eat it
54. Give someone a banana and make them eat it
55. eat an exotic fruit
56. find someone from your hometown, or state/province
57. walk down the halls drunk/ pretending to be drunk
58. give someone a tip ( money )
59. give someone a tip ( advice)
60. act like a mime
61. watch a performance
62. act lika a spy/secret agent
63. do a cartwheel
64. Fake an accent when greeting someone
65. Stay up for 24 hours
66. watch t.v.
67. go from the bottom level to the top level, holding your breath
68. wear your clothes backwards and see if anyone notices
69. sulk in a corner
70. keep a diary
71. talk backwards
72. remake a scene from titanic
74. pretend ur doing misson impossible
75. kill a fly
76. wear your life jacket around the boat
77. pretend ur on a plane
78. Sing twinkle twinkle little star
79. sing a duet with someone
80. take lots of pictures
81. make up a fake name
82. draw yourself a moustache
83. paint your nails
84. be fashionable late
85. cannonball into the pool
86. "accidentally" drink salt water
87. sleep in the elevator
88. sleep during the day, and wake around the ship at night
89. give someone a shoe shine
90. yawn alot
91. make a paper crane and give it to the staff
92. play tic tac toe
93. get someone to play truth or dare with you
94. ask to eat your food with chopsticks
95. go on the water slide
96. Go to the internet cafe and e-mail someone
97. play golf
98. get a hole in one
99.trip when walking infront of a ton of people
100. have fun
101. don't get kicked off the ship

hopefully u appreciate this because it took me a LONG time to write, e-mail me and tell me how much u accually go done haha xD have fun on your cruise. My e-mail is

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What is a good gift to Give a baby/parents for baby's 1st birthday?

Q. I need some good gift ideas to give for a baby boy's first birthday. I do not want to just give some silly toy from target, but I also do not want to spend more then like 30 dollars. It is for coworker's son. I would really like it to be something for them both to enjoy. Ideas please!

A. You could get something engraved from things remembered with his name on it. Maybe a piggy bank? I liked little ride on toys for my kids. You could also get a nice picture frame for the first year or a savings bond. Also, a cute outfit is nice, but doesn't have much meaning. If you aren't close to the coworker or the child, then I wouldn't worry about it being too personal.

What are good gifts to give your pregnant teenage sister for the birth of her baby?
Q. She's 18 and lives with her boyfriend. any unique gift ideas for her or the baby. The sex of the baby will remain unknown until the birth.

Thank You.

A. diapers are always great to stock up on especially with her being so young i was 17 when i had my daughter and they came in handy also you can buy glass frames that come with ink and everything to do your own set of hand and foot prints to hang on the wall just don't buy the plaster mold kinds way to messy and the baby hardly ever cooperates

What are some good baby shower gift ideas?
Q. My sister-in-law is having a baby shower next month and I am not sure what to get them for a gift. They registered for mostly high priced items that are out of my price range. I am looking to spend about 30-40 dollars on their gift. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

A. The thing I appreciated most for my baby shower wasn't the cute little onesies and thumb-sized socks, although they were adorable. My friend got me a little divided-up basket filled with things like baby nail-clippers, one of those little nose-suckers, a thermometer, etc. There was baby shampoo and lotion in it, and Boudreaux's Butt Paste. Plus some lotion and bath salts for me. She also gave me these hand-written coupons.There was on for a weekend where she would watch the baby, one to take me out for lunch, things like that. The cute clothes and stuff like that are great, but that one I got was very personal and thoughtful. I still use the basket to put diapers and wipes out in the living room so I don't have to go all the way into baby's bedroom when I'm cooking or something.

What is a good Christmas gift idea for my mother to symbolize her becoming a first time grandmother?
Q. What is a good Christmas gift idea for my mother to symbolize her becoming a first time grandmother? I was thinking something engraved but I have no idea. Please help..thanks so much :)

A. You can surprise her wit a really nice and unique painting from a photo of you 2 and the baby, this is something really memorable that she won't forget, and she will be impressed too. I did this for my mom on her b-day and the effect was astonishing. Here is the source I used, you can check out
Good luck with your mom! ;)

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Minggu, 30 Desember 2012

Birthday gift ideas for a friend who is turning 41?

Q. He is a mexican male, looks white, and looks like he might be 28-29 years old!!! He is really into his mexican culture/heritage. Can someone suggest some gift ideas? Thank you :)
Oh, i actually bake myself so i was planning on making his favorite chocolate cake. I kind of wanted to buy him something, but its so hard to shop for boys!

A. since you bake yourself, take him while you prepare chocolate.. only if he's interested..
if not, prepare it and give him.. make sure it's full of nuts..

know his needs.. give him what he needs, not what he wants.. this way, he remembers you for a long time..
person around 41 have less desire of blowing candles and cutting cakes..
take him to a place he likes, like go and dance...

a gift of memory lasts longer than a gift of subject.. so, give him experiences not things..

Do you have any good gifts ideas for Xmas of this year?
Q. I am collecting gifts ideas for my purchasing of Xmas's gifts for my overseas friends.

A. I buy my overseas friends things that are unique to my area. For example, I live near Indian reservations and they don't have native American Indian tribes in Europe, so I send unique handicraft items they make. I also send food items that are not common in Europe or are specialties in the area I live. People from other countries always love to feel a part of your life and see things from the area you live in, food lets them experience it, too.

Gift ideas for a 6 month anniversary with my girlfriend?
Q. Our 6 month anniversary is coming up next month, and I just heard from my girlfriend tonight that she was working on my gift. We've never exchanged anniversary presents before, and by the way she's talking, it sounds like she's making me something.

I'm a little surprised, and also a little worried about how I can match her gift.
I can't draw, or write, or any of that stuff. So poems and drawings are out of the question.

I need gift ideas now, please.

A. Here are some gift ideas:

The Six Flowered Bouquet:

Since it is your sixth anniversary, get six bouquets for her from a florist. Each bouquet will contain bundle of different flowers. Red roses, tulips, lilies, canna, lotus, columbine, cherry blossom, hydrangea, etc. look beautiful. Write a short message of love on each bouquet.

A Memory Locked Scrapbook

The idea of making a scrapbook for your sweetheart is indeed very romantic. Get a blank scrapbook from a paper house. Procure decorative materials like colorful ribbons, glitters, frames and decorative pieces. Scribble everything chronologically right from the day you met her and jot every details about the sweet and sour experiences, being in the relationship with her. Glue pictures of the special moments captured. Embellish the pages and the cover. This is one of the best romantic gifts to tell how much she means to you.

The Love Basket

Six months have rolled on and you very well know what interests her. Collect the tit bits and put them inside the 'LOVE BASKET'. Your girlfriend might be a music lover or a movie buff. Stack up inside the basket a medley of songs and her favorite movies as well. You can also fill the basket with books she is fond of.

The Permanent Gift

If you can spend some extra dollars on the gift, then a ring or a chain will be a permanent gift for her. A simple and chaste diamond ring or a necklace of dazzling white pearl. A swanky silver chain with a heart shaped red pendant. These gift items are exquisite. You can even purchase a watch from the best brands available in the market. Surely she will exclaim in joy when you open the surprise for her.

What should I get for a Bar mitzvah gift?
Q. I'm going to a bar mitzvah but I don't know what to get for a gift. I know that you are supposed to give sums of 18, (in dollars) but I don't know how much is appropriate. Do any of you guys have experience on how much i should get? Or any gift ideas?

A. Money is NOT the best gift.

That's for family to give.

Go to for ideas. Click on Bar Mitzvah gifts.

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what should we get my father as a gift for his operation anniversary?

Q. Tomorrow is my father's 5th year anniversary of his heart transplant. My family wants to get him a small gift for it. I know its really last minute, but we need to figure this out. We wanted it to be something sort of representative of the heart transplant and it saving his life or something along those lines. But, I can't think of anything. Any ideas quick??? I need them!!!

A. How about a heart transplant polo shirt? Here's one:,43247528

Or, the same site has a lot of other heart transplant items.

Congratulations to your father. I've had a kidney and pancreas transplant for 6 years now. I know how you feel - it's definitely a celebration.

What do I get for a 5 year anniversary gift for my husband?
Q. Our 5 yr. anniversary is coming up in a month, and we don't have the money, or time off work to take a trip, but what would be a good anniversary present?

I've read that the 5 years is wood, modern, and metal?
That sounds great! That sounds like the right start for him, he likes very masculine things like wood and metal...

Any ideas?

A. whatever you want to get your husband.... for your 5 years.

Boyfriend celebrating his 5th year in business gift idea?
Q. My boyfriends company is coming up on its 5th year anniversary and he is the owner. I was thinking about getting him a crystal award type thing with his company logo and such inscribed on it for his office. Now is this a good idea or rather cheesy? I know as an employee Recognition of employee of the year and such are always appreciate it but is it strange to give him recognition considering it is his company and I don't work for it. Are men appreciative of such things?

A. i like it thats a great unique idea

DO IT just DO IT then maybe a lil special winky winky at home !

what is a good 5 year wedding anniversary gift?
Q. My husband and I will be celebrating our 5 year wedding anniversary at the end of the month. I know "wood" is the traditional gift and I would like to get him something but I am stomped on what to get. We dont have much money but would like to get him something. Any cute little ideas would be great. We have 3 year old twn girls also

A. I returned from a trip to Rome and Paris!
Now it's very fashionable to give surprises of
because those are really original, touch the heart,
and made in the really Italian style!
Look not only the home page, but searches well in the other pages!
Definitely give it to special gift, unique and unforgettable!

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What should I get my grandmother for Christmas?

Q. My grandmother is a little over 80 years old and she can't walk very well. It's around 3 days until Christmas and I still haven't gotten her anything. Also, I don't have much money to spend either. Maybe something sort of cheap that she will like? What do you think older ladies like to get for presents? I have no idea!! Any answers are greatly appreciated!! Thank you!
If it helps, she lives by herself but she comes to visit us for holidays and such.

A. If she is old then you should probably gift her a key finder. They come in really handy when people are trying to look for their keys. Also, they're pretty cheap. You can see how they are on this website if you like.

What to get my 18 year old boyfriend for christmas?
Q. He loves hunting, money, working, being outdoors, and every year i have got him the perfect gift and thisvyear hes spending so much on me and i dont know what to get him im willung to spend up to 500 dollars. He works in the bush and said to get him an electic grease gun, but i want to get him more. Please help with ideas

A. Real rifle shell - pen

unique outdoors gift

What are some Hawaii vacation packages availible?
Q. I want to suprise my boyfriend this christmas with plane tickets to Hawaii because he's never been further than a few hours from home. I wanted to know if there were any good vacation packages out there to get started on. I want to have an affordable hotel for about a week and also find out what the best things to do there are. I was thinking Maui specifically. Thanks!

A. Maui is my favorite of the islands. You can get package deals with air + hotel and even add a rental car through the main travel booking websites like Expedia: or Travelocity: and from individual airlines like Hawaiian: that have flights to the islands. The packages are usually a good deal, but I would double check by checking the hotel website to make sure the prices for the flight and hotel can't be purchased cheaper separately. I also like to use trip advise to check out the reviews and comments from previous guests before booking:

Personally I prefer staying at a condo resort instead of a hotel. They are usually about the same price and you get a much more spacious place to stay plus a kitchen which is nice to be able to make some of your own beverages and snacks even if you don't want to cook any meals while you are on vacation. Aston has a number of condo resorts on Maui and sometimes their properties are one of the hotel options in the vacation package deals.

As far as things to do, here are some ideas:
Go snorkeling - lots of great places right from the beach or go out on a boat on a trip to Molokini
Rent a car and drive the road to Hana
If you will be there in the winter, the whales will be there -book a whale watching cruise
Visit the Maui Ocean Center
Go see the sunrise from the top of Haleakala:
Walk along the many beautiful beaches
Go boogie boarding, body surfing or paddle boarding
See the show at Warren and Annabelle's:
Wander through and shop the historic little town of Lahaina

I would also recommend borrowing or buying the book Maui Revealed - an excellent source of information about hotels, restaurants and things to do in Maui: It might be fun to include a copy in the gift to give to your boyfriend along with the airline tickets. You can always secretly read it yourself to help you plan the trip before you give it to him.

Getting your boyfriend a christmas gift?
Q. Ok so what would be a cute christmas gift for your boyfriend? I don't know what to get mine! Lol I asked him and he won't tell me what he wants. Any suggestions?

A. Read following tips to give him a Special Gift based on his Characteristics!

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What are some good gift ideas for a boyfriends parents/family?

Q. My boyfriend's parents live out of state and I have only met them once. I have no idea what to buy them for Christmas or if it's even appropriate to buy them anything? Please help!

A. Send them a very nice card with a good, tasteful picture of you and your boyfriend together.

What are some gift ideas for your boyfriend's 20th birthday?
Q. He says he can't think of anything he really needs or wants, so he's no help haha. I also want to do something really special for him, whether it's combined with the gift or just in addition to the gift. Ideas?

A. . For example, No stress hat and gym bag:
Nice gift is an object associated with what YOU LIKE (rather than he likes) because when using it he�ll associate it w you. For example, cute throw pillow (benefit in that his parents may appreciate it) , for example cute owl throw pillow
Matching T-shirts are also fun, for example, for you: and for him
this way you�ll get present not only for him but also for you, which is great

What should I say in a "thank you" letter to my boyfriends parents?
Q. So my boyfriends parents gave me a gift certificate to my favorite shoe store for $50 a picture of him me and his family and two cute snowmen things wit our names on them. Not good at writing have no idea what to put in the card. What exactly should I write? Thanks.

A. It's easier than you think. Just say that you are very thankful for their thoughtful gifts & explain what you will do with them. For example you can say that you needed new sneakers for running or new shoes for a dress & that the family picture is besides your bed.
Then just end it with hope to spend time with them again soon.

What should my boyfriend bring as a 'gift' when he comes to visit my house for the holidays?
Q. My new boyfriend is coming to visit me for a few days while I am home on winter break. I suggested he bring a small arrangement of flowers or something to give to my parents, since it is their house (hes really bad at coming up with gift ideas). He doesn't like the idea of flowers..any suggestions?

A. A bottle of wine if that is an age appropriate gift. A box of Godiva chocolates. I like the idea of flowers, but if he's not comfortable with that, how about a green plant. One of the cookie bouquets or edible fruit arrangement or some other gourmet treat, or something unique from the town he is coming from. A gift basket from Harry and David. If he goes with food make sure you give him ideas of what your family likes.

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What is a good greeting for a professor?

Q. I am planning on writing a holiday greeting card to one of my professors who I have had for 2 years, what should I write? I need some specific ideas?

A. appreciation in honesty for what the professor has done to help your life

well what does he believe about Christmas
if he/she is Jewish Happy Chanukkah
an athiest Happy xmas
a believer....Merry Christmas

a card is a great gift; the prayer that helped me become a gift and have the best gift, as a Jew when i saw Jesus was the promised messiah to die rejected for my sins as the lamb of God (Isaiah 52:13-53:12)
I prayed "Help me Jesus, i am sorry for my sins, come into my heart and be my best friend, amen"

He spoke from heaven and promised his love and that he knocks on our heart door to come in forgive sins (even one lie) and be our best friend to fellowship with us and us with him. Revelation 1:1 & 3:19&20

and a pair of shoes old not needed'
take a pair of shoes and spray them with gold and then outline in silver

The Christmas shoes by Bob Carlisle

It was almost Christmas time
There I stood in another line
Trying to buy that last gift or two
I'm really in the Christmas mood
Standing right in front of me
Was a little boy waiting anxiously
Pacing around like little boys do
And in his hands he held
A pair of shoes

And his clothes were worn and old
He was dirty from head to toe
And when it came his time to pay
I couldn't believe what I heard him say

Sir I wanna buy these shoes for my Momma please
It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size
Could you hurry Sir?
Daddy says there's not much time
You see, she's been sick for quite a while
And I know these shoes will make her smile
And I want her to look beautiful
If Momma meets Jesus, tonight.

They counted pennies for what seem like years
And cashier says son there's not enough here
He searches is pockets franticly
And he turned and he looked at me
And he said Momma made Christmas good at our house
Most years she just did without
Tell me Sir
What am I gonna do?
Some how I�ve got to buy her these Christmas shoes

So I layed the money down
I just had to help him out
And I'll never forget
The look on his face
When he said Momma's gonna look so great.

Sir I wanna buy these shoes, for my Momma please
It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size
Could you hurry Sir?
Daddy says there's not much time
You see, she's been sick for quite a while
And I know these shoes will make her smile
And I want her to look beautiful,
If Momma meets Jesus tonight.

I knew I caught a glimpse of heavens love as he thanked me and ran out.
I know that God had sent that little boy to remind me
What Christmas is all about

Sir I wanna buy these shoes for my Momma please
It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size
Could you hurry Sir?
Daddy says there's not much time
You see she's been sick for quite a while
And I know these shoes will make her smile
And I want her to look beautiful
If Momma meets Jesus tonight

I want her to look beautiful
If Momma meets Jesus tonight

Joy to the world..let every heart prepare him room, and heaven and nature sing....
the Little Drummer boy...he could only give his heart and play the drums rat a tat tat on his drum

how I as a Jew learned to sing too'; I promise: if you are willing to seek the truth God has revealed through it, Lord will reveal himself to you.

God Loves You and never Forsake You!
God Never Forsakes

For the Lord will not cast off his people, neither will he forsake his inheritance. (Psalm 94:14)
No, nor will He cast even so much as one of them. Man has his castoffs, but God has none; for His choice is unchangeable, and His love is everlasting. None can find out a single person whom God has forsaken after having revealed Himself savingly to him.

A Letter

God Loves You and never Forsake You!
God Never Forsakes

For the Lord will not cast off his people, neither will he forsake his inheritance. (Psalm 94:14)
No, nor will He cast even so much as one of them. Man has his castoffs, but God has none; for His choice is unchangeable, and His love is everlasting. None can find out a single person whom God has forsaken after having revealed Himself savingly to him.

what would you like on your be remembered... Jesus the Messiah the only Messiah Isaiah 9:6 to be born mighty God the prince of peace.

What is the best wedding present ever?
Q. I am engaged to the brother of the groom. My fiance is the best man and I'm the maid of honor. We wanted to do a fun present for their wedding, not a boring registry present. However, our budget is rather tight: He's a teacher, I'm in grad school, and we just moved out on our own. What could be a perfect present?

A. Something they want or need, and might be having to wait for.
Money. Money could pay for a honeymoon that was not going to be. It could be a down payment or security on a apartment or a house. Money could pay for a nice bed and a matching chest of drawers. Money could pay off the wedding. Money could give them a night out sometime when their budget would not allow it.

Are they having a honeymoon? No? Arrange for one, for one night. Tell them to free up weekend night, you have a surprise for them, and they have to tell you when it is. Tell them early on the day that they need to pack a change of clothes, toiletries, and some pjs. Pay for a night in a nice local, but not too close to home, LOL, hotel, or motel if you live away from the city. Pay for a nice dinner if it has a restaurant, if you can. Make sure the room has a refrigerator.
Sneak over, and put some artificial rose petals around, some champagne in the refrigerator, and a couple cheap glasses, disposable if you want. A couple pieces of gourmet chocolate would be cute. Provide a candle or two, but don't light it, leave a source of fire so they can.
If the place has a big Jacuzzi tub, leave some bubble bath.

Rivers loves kits. They are fun to give and receive. Consider a night on the town kit. Give them a nice gift card to their favorite restaurant. And a gift card for the movies. And a little cash for popcorn, or maybe a gift card for ice cream after.
Maybe they bowl, give them a card for a couple lines of bowling, and some beer money.

Do the money thing up cute, put the money in popcorn sack or box[you can buy those at the store, or make your own] so that the gift of a small amount of money does not seem crass. Same trick for the beer money, buy or make a card with a mug of beer on it.

Do a stay at home kit. Buy a big popcorn bowl, plastic or fancy. fill it with packages of cocoa, popcorn, theater candy, a couple of sodas or beers instead of the mugs.
Buy a gift card for the local game/video rental store. Buy an acrylic blanket, {$5-$10 depending on how big it is, and where you buy it].

Do an emergency kit. Buy an umbrella big enough for two people. Inside, have an envelope marked "stormy weather" or "rainy days' , and tie an envelope to the inside of it with money in it.

Or so something with meaning. Buy a candle, make a poem about the candle lighting the way to a lifelong relationship full of love and light. Buy some really nice candlesticks and a box of candles.. River loves her set of three crystal ones, with tapers. so pretty on the dinner table, so pretty among greenery at Xmas.

Buy an anniversary clock. Most upscale department stores carry them, in several price ranges. buy one to match the furniture, or their lifestyle. The ones with the visible clock workings are really nice.
Check out places that sell keepsake gifts for ideas.

What to get my aunt and cousin for Christmas?
Q. (Great Aunt and Second Cousin)
I haven't seen either of them in about 10 months.
My aunt is in her late 50s and my cousin is in her late 30s.
I really don't know what either of them like. But I'm looking for gifts I can get REALLY cheap because I've already gone over my christmas limit.

A. My husband is hard to buy for too, but like most men he likes food. I bought him a Christmas box of three types of elk, one buffalo, one deer. I think it comes with cheeses too. He also likes boxed chocolate candy that is soft chocolate in the middle. I guess you can say I am giving him a food Christmas.

Have you seen the BIG tin of three different types of popcorn already popped. Great gift. Put a big bow on top.

1. Gifts for everyone in the family:

2. Scroll down this screen:

3. Gifts for Teenagers:

4. Christmas center piece with candles are perfect for girls and women. You can have a florist send it to their home. Or pick it up and deliver it yourself.

I am looking for a vegan shoe called Circle, any 1 knows were2 find it?
Q. My girl is vegan and she does not wear anything made out of leather, now she is looking a type of shoe that is prety popular in the vegan world. lol is called circle I want to get her a pair for xmas, but I can't find it.

A. I think that is a very thoughtful idea for a gift! To be honest the last pair of shoes I bought and the first pair I've bought as a vegan were at Payless and they are made out of man made materials so I don't know where to get the kind you are asking about. You could try and there you will surely find what you are looking for.

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How to present a dress for my girlfriends Xmas present?

Q. It's a huge ball gown masquerade like dress. I have a cover for it as a gift already but any ideas on how I should hang it and display it for Christmas morning? Thanks

A. Blindfold her, then lead her wherever your going to present it. You can hang it on a door frame(if your doors have a ledge). Or you can lay it beautifully on a couch...

What do i get a new girlfriend for christmas?
Q. Hi just started going out with someone a couple of weeks ago and were nice and casual but just wondering what would make a nice xmas gift that isnt too much but has something nice in it anyway.
Any ideas?

A. Handmade gift ideas for purses & bags:

Toys & dolls:

Jewelry & trinkets:

Bath and body set a good idea for a xmas gift?
Q. I'm planning to get a bath and body set for both of my girlfriends. I am on a tight budget and I can't afford to spend too much money on gifts.

A. You can never go wrong shopping at this store. Also if you can find an Bath and Body outlet store, you can save soooo much money.

What should I get my girlfriend for Christmas?
Q. I got her a cross necklace for our 1st Christmas, and a Hot air balloon ride for her 21st birthday. I am stuck on ideas for what to get her for xmas this year...Help please!

A. A gift card to he favorite store or were she goes a lot maybe a ring or bracelet since you got her a necklace.

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Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012

Can anyone recommend a good Vintage Port for a wedding gift?

Q. I want to give this as a wedding gift they can drink on their 10th or 20th anniversary. Every wine site I read is trying to sell their inventory and every description boasts how great this particular wine is. Anyone here have experience in this department? Something under $70 as it is not the only gift I am giving. Thank you!

A. According to my port-loving husband, you can't go wrong with a Warre's, Dow's, or Taylor Fladgate, vintage '86 or '91. They are drinkable now, but will continue to age nicely for the next couple decades at least. The Dow's '86 can be found for $65-$75, if you scout around. The '91 would be a bit cheaper, but not much, so I'd get the '86 if you can.

What a wonderful gift idea -- I'm sure they'll love it.

Can you please provide me with some gift ideas to celebrate my girlfriend's mother belated 65th birthday?
Q. We want to do something different and creative and not just play to her hobbies. After a while the same gifts giving ideas get boring.

A. Does she like to get pedicures or massages? Certificate to a restaurant?

What are some creative, original, homemade gifts that I can make for Christmas??
Q. I am looking for some creative and original gifts that I can make here from home to give to my relatives and friends. I need gift ideas for my grandma, my brother who is 27, my sister who is 23, my mom and dad. If you have any ideas they are welcome. And, if you have a website that you got it from that would be even better. Thank you so much.
Note: I am only 13 years old but can sew, knit, and crochet things.

A. I went to a bead store yesterday, and saw some small clutch evening purses that had been hand beaded. They were really pretty. The design was not complicated, and they were all multi-colored.
The price tag was $65. Craft stores carry the frame and the material as a kit for the purses.
I used my browser, and typed in craft purses, and there were many. I went to Biz rate, they had several frames.
You could make them in any color, black, gold, red, or the multi I saw.
I do not know of many craft projects for men, just hand embroidered handkerchiefs, or a golf towel, or stamped golf balls.

What should I put in my Grandma's christmas gift basket?
Q. Me and my cousin are fourteen and are planning to make our grandma a christmas gift basket.
We've already thought of candles, bath and body things and perfume but can you think of anything else?


A. I like the idea of adding a framed pictures of you or your family.

Does your grandma do her own cooking?

If she does you could mix up different homemade mixes and put them in small canning jars tied with ribbon.

Salt free taco seasoning:
Pumpkin Latte Mix
Cappuccino Mix
Hot Chocolate Mix
Cookie Mix has cute giftbags and containers for treats

If she doesn't cook you could bake and make her things like popcorn balls and pretzel treat mix, that sort of thing.

Have fun!

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What is a good brithday present you can buy at Walgreens? How much?

Q. What is a good brithday present you can buy at Walgreens? How much?
And it has to be big enough so I can carry it home with my books and backpack.Its a 30 minute walk from school to walgreens, then its a 40 min. walk back home.
My moms brithday is on Monday, so I'm going to buy her a surpise present monday =) (where i live theirs no shops or malls so it had to be from walgreens.)
or mabye even the thirf store,but thats farther.
Thanks.(My moms turning 46)

A. Walgreens wouldn't be my first choice for a birthday present, but I think you could come up with something. They have a lot more gift items in now because of the holidays.

Perfume sounds like a nice idea, but in reality it's really hard to buy for someone else, especially when you're looking for something cheap. Maybe better to go for something like bath soaps or something.

You can buy a box of assorted chocolates. That's a good go-to gift in a pinch.

Since you say there aren't stores around you, I'm guessing you live in a small town or something? Someplace where people are more likely to be friendly and helpful? I ask because your best bet may be to ask one of the employees at Walgreens to help you. They'll have a good idea of the sort of things that are in the store, and you may even find a woman your mom's age who can advise you.

Good House / Bad House... I want to buy this house but it needs major work. What would you do?
Q. Good House -
1.)It's old - mid 1800's & I love that fact.
2.)It's big - 3500 sq feet & we need big.
3.)It's cheep - less than $40,000
4.)It has a large Yard - 1 &1/2 acre

Bad house -
1.) the intire house needs work - basically we are buying the shell & bare studs. Some of the rooms up stair have been redone.
2.) not livable at this time.
3.) really far from family & jobs - about an hour with good driving conditions.

I'm all excited but I'm not sure if this is as great of an idea as I want it to be.

A. I have been restoring for over 30 yrs. I've regretted it many times, but can't think of anything better when I look back to see how far I've come. Things to think about, besides what the previous post said.
1. how much time are you willing to give? How much are you willing to give up??? As in social life, educational opportunites, sports, etc.
2. How committed are you to compleating a dream? You must be completely clear in how much this means to you AND whomever else is in your life. It's terribly romantic to think about the two of you starting life in this great old house, but it must be equally wanted by both of you. It doesn't work if one of you is a workhorse and the other just wants the hammock on Sat. Try working together on another project. If you don't have a home of your own, volunteer on someone else's.
3. Are you time oriented or task oriented? Is it more important for you to finish what you start before you knock off, or to stop so you can fix dinner because it is 6:00 o'clock and the news is on?
4. Do you have any allergies to dust? If you are living in this while working on it, you will be letting a lot of house work slide, because it will be more important to do something else like scrape paint or wallpaper, relay pipe or A/C ducts, or complete the bath framing.
5. Do you have skills in this? Are there people you can call in an emergency to help you out? How much support can you count on from others when you get in trouble? How resourceful are you? HOw good are you at making do? If you are a woman, how will you react to a drill, sander or pipe wrench for a birthday gift?
6. What is your financial resourcefullness? How creative are you at finding and using money?
These houses go cheaply because they are not technologically current. You will have to have the financial resources to upgrade them. Make sure you have at least enough cash to replace the electrical wiring, making it superior to code minimum. That should be item #3, after a good roof #1 and strong foundation #2. Plumbing is #4. Anything cosmetic should take a second seat. And NEVER paint anything until you have scraped, spackled, sanded and primed first.

All this being said, if you have examined your soul and still feel this is the right move, go to and read the old house blogs. Many restorers have kept running documents on their houses and their experiences. Read these through thoroughly, and be aware that some people will write with an ear to their audience, glossing over what the real difficulties are. Contact me off line if you need more info.

What do you get the woman who has almost everything?
Q. My sister is turning 40 and I can't think of the just right gift for her. She is married and they are financially very comfortable and she is able to buy pretty much whatever she wants and does. I however am on a pretty small budget but want to get her something special. I have already over done the coupons, massages, scrapbooks, baby sitting offers, etc. I am stumped. Her husband is throwing her a huge surprise party which I am helping organize but when it comes to the gift I am at a loss. If anyone can provide some ideas or inspiration I would be so grateful.

A. Since it is her 40th Birthday why not a over the hill gag gift?
Just an idea...

Check out these sites for idea's

Good Luck, faith

What should we give a 40 year old women for her Birthday present?
Q. We have a friend/colleague who is turning 40. What would be a nice gift to give her? Thanks for any ideas. (I'm terrible at giving gifts and usually give money, however in this case money is not appropriate.)
Please vote on this tie-breaker:;_ylt=AlK6XU6SbcZNrHO4BIv54GTty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090124055736AAgNqXF&show=7#profile-info-FeYDLTeFaa

A. The group can pool your money together and give her a gift card to a restaurant. Give enough for her to take her husband if married and if not she can take someone special. Or a gift card to a department store. Just don't give an over the hill prank gift. Forty is a difficult age for some people and she may be having a hard time with her age at this point.

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What can I get my family for Christmas - little brother and dad especially?

Q. I was thinking of going homemade this year. I personally think these are the best gifts( next to electronices - lol), and have a sentimental value. For my mom I was thinking of a beautiful hand-made clay pot I made in art class, and a homemade beauty with bath scrubs, home remedies, molded soap and cute things like that. What I'm really stumped on is gifts for my little brother and dad. Last year, I got my lil bro a spy kit, and my dad - a cool wood project. This year, I'm not really sure what to get them. I was thinking of doing a little scavenger hunt made out of origami(he's a huge fan next to me) gift boxes with coupons, trinkets, and clues leading to the actual gift for my lil bro( 7) . The problem is, I don't know what to do for the actual gift. As for my dad, I am totally stumped. What are some good inexpensive gift ideas? Thx and 10 points for best answer!
BF and Friends also argh!

A. FUN GADGETS for boyfriends, brothers, dads:
1. Dynaflex Powerball.
2. Golf GPS.
3. Finger drums(let their fingers do the drums).
4. USB missile launcher.
5. Snowball maker.
6. Magic wand remote.
7. Tablet computer floor stand.
8. USB desktop fan.
9. Swiss army knife USB.
10.Tape-to-MP3 converter.
11.Laser projection keyboard.
12.Electric scooter.
For Girls
1. Video games for girls
2. Sims 3 video game.
3. Game console like a wii and a couple of games.
4. A Visa credit card with a limited amount of money on it. They can be used at any store.
5. Electric scooter.
6. Terry cloth bath robe with matching bath slippers.
7. Matching nail polish and lip stick.
8. Kitchen appliances for learning to cook.
9. Chairs for girls and teen ager girls; click this link, hope it shows:

Suggestions for others:
1. A Visa credit card with a limited amount of money on it. They can be used at any store.
2. Food items such as a large basket of fruit. You can find these at grocery stores when it gets close to Christmas.
3. Christmas Flowers.
4. Christmas box of foods such as summer sausages, cheeses, and etc.
5. Large box of good brand chocolates.
6. Wine.
7. DVD movies.
8. Netflix
9. Something for the house or bedroom.
10.Box of frozen rib eye steaks from a mail order steak house. They come in dry ice. Take out the dry ice and put steaks in their box into a freezer.
11.Crock Pot.
12.Kitchen electric grill such as the George Foreman type...but there are many more brands to choose from if you wish.
13.Small TV for bedroom.
14.Novels or talking novels on DVDs.

What are some good homemade Christmas gifts?
Q. I'm running low on money this year, so I decided to try and make gifts for people. I'm looking for gift ideas for my friends and my mom and dad. I'm 15 so it can't be anything to childish, but it has to be something I can actually do by Christmas. Any ideas?

A. Make a laminated bookmark: find pictures or photos that they would like - animals, sports, flowers, favorite band, hearts, cars, pictures of family or you two - it can be a few small pics or just one, glue it to construction paper (you can make it two-sided), make sure you know how wide you want it to be before you start with the glue, then take it to Staples/Office Max, Office Depot or a store like that and get it laminated, then cut it. After hole-punch the top and put a ribbon or twine of some kind through the hole and tie it in a knot.

Make a 'love jar' and fill it with origami hearts, flowers and slips of paper with notes of appreciation written on them or 'I love you' written in different languages (on the back write which language it is).
Say I love you in different languages

Use an empty jar or soup can to make a pen/pencil holders - take the label off and wrap them in fabric or colored paper and decorate them with pictures the two of you or other pictures they would like.

Quick Banana Chocolate Chip Bars

1 Medium Ripe Banana, peeled
1 Cup Whole Wheat Flour
¾ Cup Brown Sugar, packed
1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
½ Teaspoon Ground Cinnamon
¼ Teaspoon Salt
1/3 Cup Olive or Vegetable Oil
2 Tablespoons Milk
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
1 Egg
¼ Cup Chopped Nuts
½ Cup Chocolate Chips (or what feels good)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray small rectangular or 9x9 square baking pan with non-stick spray.

Chop or mash banana. Combine with flour, brown sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, salt, oil, milk, vanilla and egg in large bowl. Stir in nuts and chocolate chips to this mixture OR save them to add as topping, sprinkling on top of mixture after poured into the pan. Bake for 25-30 minutes.

Isabellas (Oatmeal Cookies)

1 cup butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/4 cups flour
1 1/2 cups oats
Dash salt, optional
Powdered Sugar

Cream butter and sugar until light. Mix in vanilla, then flour, oats and salt. Chill thoroughly, about ½ hour in the refrigerator. Shape into small balls and place 2 inches apart on an ungreased baking sheet. Flatten with a fork, crisscrossing. Bake at 350 degrees for 12-18 minutes (depending on your oven). Sprinkle with Powdered Sugar


3 large bananas, mashed
2 cups rolled oats
1 cup chopped dates
1/3 cup oil
Dash of salt
1 tsp vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine all ingredients, let set 15 minutes. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto an ungreased baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown.

Spicy Oatmeal Crisps
Pepper may sound like an odd ingredient for a cookie, but it complements the other spices well (although you can omit it if you prefer).
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon ground allspice
½ teaspoon grated whole nutmeg
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon ground cloves
¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper (optional)
1 cup packed brown sugar
5 tablespoons butter or stick margarine, softened
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 large egg
½ cup regular oats
Cooking spray

Preheat oven to 350°. Lightly spoon flour into dry measuring cups; level with a knife. Combine flour and next 7 ingredients (flour through pepper) in a medium bowl. Beat sugar, butter, and vanilla in a large bowl with a mixer at medium speed until light and fluffy. Add egg; beat well. Stir in flour mixture and oats.

Drop by level tablespoons 2 inches apart onto baking sheets coated with cooking spray. Bake at 350° for 12 minutes or until crisp. Cool on pan 2 to 3 minutes or until firm. Remove cookies from pan; cool on wire racks.

How do you get into the holidays without spending oodles of money?
Q. Just don't feel it this year, seems like a lot of work. I have a large family so that isn't the problem. I just get so tired of it being about how much money we can all spend and then we just fight about it later. I want to enjoy it for my kids and grandkids but I need reasons this year to even bother putting up the stupid tree. Any ideas?

A. Our family is very large as well and last year many of the people in our family were dealing with cut backs at work, layoffs, and even a few had been let go. So in an effort to save money we started a new tradition, we call it an elephant swap. Everyone takes something that they have at home that is in decent condition and we wrap it in newspaper. Then on Christmas we put everyone's name in a hat and we pull names and pick gifts one at a time from under the tree. It makes it exciting as you don't know what gift you have recieved, and opening the gifts are lots of laughs! Last year my grandfather picked a barbie from my 3 year old niece. It was very amusing non the less and everyone left with something, whether it was age appropriate or not.

Is it inappropriate to throw yourself a baby shower?
Q. Having my second child in 9 weeks.. Large family on both sides but never got a baby shower with my first child. Not doing it for the gifts just want the experience and no one has stepped forward to do it. I just moved to the state so I dont have many friends here that would do something like this.
Is it inappropriate to throw one for myself.. should I just get over the idea of having one.

A. Sorry, but it is inappropriate to throw yourself a shower. It makes you look like you're begging for gifts even if you aren't.

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Christmas gift ideas for a 9 yr old girl?

Q. My ex husband asked me today for gift ideas for our 9 yr old daughter. This should be easy but I am out of ideas. I have bought her things already. I have given other ideas to my grandma, mom, and ex mother in law. What are some ideas for 9 yr old girls. Maybe i can get some new ideas for him to get her. Thanks!

A. webkinz , littlest pet shop , dolls ? clothes , stuff from claires , like nailpolish , maybe an mp3 player ?
don't get her any pets , cause i heard that they are not good to get at christmas because the kid will be too occupied playing with other things , and may not even want one.
anything hannah montana , or the jonas brothers ,
you could maybe get her a surscription to like popstarr or tigerbeat ,
get her hannah montana tickets ? for a concert ?
hope this helped =)

Christmas gift for brother in law and his girlfriend?
Q. Hello, I am trying to think of Christmas gift ideas for my brother-in-law and his girlfriend. They have been together for a long time and although they live with my mother-in-law, they have their own "apartment" upstairs on the second floor of the house. They are planning on moving out soon, into their first place of their own, so I want to get them something that they can use in their "apartment" now, but can also bring to their new home when they get one in a few years. Any ideas?

A. Hey, Kellie! That's a good idea ... gifts that can be used for a while are smart.

If you are looking for something that is just fun, the Nintendo Wii is extremely popular, and not as expensive as you might think ... this one comes with Wii Sports for free:

Or if you want something more useful, a crock pot like this Cuisinart Programmable Slow Cooker would be great for a busy couple:

Or, an ice cream machine like this Cuisinart Automatic Ice Cream Maker is both fun AND useful:

Good luck! And please let me know if you would like more ideas!

What are some gift ideas for a greek family i'm visiting?
Q. I've never met them before.. what gifts from the US should i buy them? there's a young boy (age 8?), middle aged mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, teenage sister (13), teenage brother (15), brother and sister in their 20s? what are some things greek people like from the US? I'm from los angeles CA. some gift ideas would be great!

A. Don't take individual presents - just the kids if you really MUST! When you arrive in Greece - get them flowers or plant and a gateaux from the local patisserie. You can always send the kids something from US at a later date when you know them better. Sometimes giving Greek families presents can be quite upsetting as many do not show the emotions that we foreigners are used to. Believe me ... best to stick with the normal gifts of plant / gateaux. Been there - done that!

I'll be going to meet my girls family in the philippines, need gift Ideas?
Q. I need Gift ideas for her Mother and Father, and her little brother and little sister.
Sister is 17 (still in high school)
Brother is 18-19 (Bible school)

I just cant think of anything to bring for them all, I though of some misc candies from america.. but what other american items would they really like?

A. chocolates are always popular.

many filipino women appreciate the scents of victoria's secret colognes and lotions. also, those refrigerator magnets that depict the country from where they came from, like in the shape of that country, or its flag, or whatever -- you know, souvenir stuff.

basically, filipinos are very grateful people. you can bring them anything and they'll appreciate it, just knowing it's from another country.

hope this helps

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